Big Trees and Big Trouble
Two weeks on the road, up and down Canada's Best Coast.

The big trouble came first. Here I am stranded on Highway 99 (The Duffy) just west of Lillooet. Gertie threw her chain and this is where we came to rest. After an hour of roadside wrenching, I got her roadworthy (ish) and we limped the rest of the way to Vancouver Island at no more than 50 kph. It was a very long leg of my journey.

The BMW dealership in Victoria didn't stock the parts Gertie needed (go figure), so it was eBay to the rescue! I ordered parts (at a fraction of the price) for delivery to a friend's house in Metchosin.
While waiting for them to arrive, a trip to Spinnakers was in order!
After a comfortable few days of my friend's hospitality, the parts arrived and I was back on my way.
Gertie and I started off by swinging through Port Renfrew on our way north:
Heading up Island, we rode past plenty of big trees:
Here's Gertie taking a break at Three Isle Lake near Port Alice. Spots like this are pretty commonplace all over the Island. Easy to take such beauty for granted.

It rained a great deal throughout the ride, but whenever the rain stopped, we stopped. Here's me and Gertie taking a break for lunch in Telegraph Cove.
After two week on the road, it was time to head for the barn. This was our final campsite at Kitty Coleman Beach Provincial Park. Two Humpbacks swam back and forth all evening. It was really special.
We took the ferry from Comox to Powell River and rode down the Sunshine Coast to link back up with Highway 99 and home. Our route included three ferries, even though we could have done it with just one (from Nanaimo to Horseshoe Bay).
As with most things, taking one's time usually pays off. It was a spectacular ride and Gertie got to make some new friends!
This ride was basically a shakedown for my much more ambitious adventure ride this summer with an old friend of mine. We're heading for the Arctic to raise money for charity.
You can follow along here:
Awesome trip. That big fir tree sure looks familiar.